Our farm specializes in breaking horses so that horse can go on to do a specific discipline.
Newly built show barn with mats and concreted floors with draining system. Private barn behind gates next to a golf course. Beautiful pasture with…
Horse tack for sale, also buy, sell, trade, and break horses!
we are a family owned facility...we board,train,buy sell and even trade all kinds of horses..we also have access to miles and miles of great trails…
Limited openings at private boarding facility. Twice daily feeding.Trail Riding , 10 miles of trails. Close commute to Charlotte / Gastonia.
We are located in Chester, SC, on Hwy 9 - 1.5 miles off I-77, at exit 65. Get Directions. Gaston Farm Rd Equestrian Center opened for business…
We have 35 horses of many different breeds, pasos, tenn. walking horses, rocky mountain walking horse, quarter horses, and minis. We offer riding…